Sunday, November 07, 2004

Samsung mobile phones have ‘Nokia’ personality

Nokia: Claim to fame of introducing a hip and upbeat personality in mid 90s decade though that Nokia image continued later on and still today we are bombarded with the same image laden advertisements.

But…do the Nokia mobile phones match for the sure funky lest glossed image. No, not at all, the firm products are though innovative but have lost that peculiarity which one can now feel in Eriksson –-yes the Sony Erickson—and obviously in Samsung. Well the Finnis producers have to think for a Relaunch of Mobile Image.

Raw Onion:- Nokia mobiles have developed a personality of ''''''Wall Street businessmen''''''.
But with a little funkiness, not of teen sort imbibing with intellectualness–a two in one resort—could surely be a matched persona.


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