Clear your myths about Indiee!!
These days Indians are running a hard core campaign about being the most progressive and liberal democracy of the world. Indians are proud of being the best in IT sector, booming and internationally recognised Media and well the number of millionaries are increasing year by year in the country etc etc .............
Sounds alluring, isn't it??
Now, please go through the following list:
1. India is the world's 6th worst place for children:
Also see the UNICEF report on Indian Children:
2. India is on the watchlist because of Human Trafficking:
Condition of women in India:
4. India has largest number of hungry people in the world:
UNICEF report:
5. India has the second highest number of people living with AIDS:
And India is apparently exporting Polio to the world:
7. Last but not the least, India has a third of world's illiterates............